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Restaurants Want B2B E-Commerce, Don’t be the Last One to the Game

In the last 10 to 15 years, restaurant technology has advanced at lightning speed. From ordering and delivery apps to self-service kiosks, kitchen display systems, and POS systems, the front-of-the-house is fully immersed in tech. However, the back-of-the-house is a different story. Foodservice distributors have been slow to adopt these advancements.

According to the National Restaurant Association’s 2024 Restaurant Technology Landscape Report, 76% of restaurants believe that technology will give them a competitive edge. Square’s 2024 Future of Restaurants report also found that more than half (54%) of restaurant owners have plans to spend more on technology and automation compared to previous years. It's clear that restaurants are eager for back-of-the-house solutions that boost efficiency and save time and money.

If you’re a foodservice distributor, now’s the time to step up and give your restaurant clients what they need. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should embrace B2B e-commerce:

1. Restaurants Expect It.

Restaurants expect the same convenience from foodservice distributors that consumers get when they order groceries, clothes, or services online. Lengthy phone calls and complicated order forms are outdated. Restaurant operators want to search for products, place orders, and manage their accounts on their own time—without paperwork or lengthy conversations. They want to do it from anywhere, on mobile devices. Outdated e-commerce platforms just won't cut it anymore. 

B2B e-commerce platforms offer a shopping experience similar to what consumers are used to. Restaurants can browse a full catalog of products, discover new items, and make purchases through a user-friendly online interface. Adopting this technology isn’t just about following trends—it's about meeting customer expectations. Distributors that don't adopt these platforms risk falling behind.

2. Shop Anytime, Anywhere.

One of the biggest benefits of B2B e-commerce for restaurants is the ability to place orders at any time, from anywhere. This flexibility is essential for restaurant staff who often work long, irregular hours. Traditional methods like phone calls or faxes are not only time-consuming but inefficient.

With an e-commerce platform, restaurant staff can browse products, check availability, and place orders without spending hours on the phone with a distributor. This allows them to focus on more important tasks, like customer service and food quality, rather than being bogged down with administrative work.

3.  Save on Labor, Increase Efficiency.

An e-commerce solution saves time and labor. Staff who previously spent hours placing orders can now do it in a fraction of the time online. Automating the ordering process also reduces the chance of errors. When orders are placed and tracked through an integrated system, the risk of mistakes from manual entry goes down. This leads to better inventory management and fewer disruptions in the kitchen.

4. All-in-One: Order Tracking, Shopping, and Accounts Payable

B2B e-commerce platforms also consolidate various aspects of order management into one system. From tracking orders to managing accounts payable, everything can be handled in a single platform. This makes the entire process simpler and more efficient.

With real-time updates and a clear order history, tracking orders becomes hassle-free. No more chasing down order statuses or dealing with unclear communication from distributors. Plus, integrating accounts payable into the platform means restaurants can handle invoices, payments, and financial reporting all in one place, reducing the administrative burden.

5. It Pays For Itself in 6 Month (and then some)!

Going digital has more benefits than you might think. Cut+Dry distributor partners are seeing at least a 20% increase in annual revenue after adopting our e-commerce platforms. That’s huge! When you do the math, our distributor partners are covering the cost of the platform in less than six months—and then doubling their earnings with new revenue streams.

Distributors, Don’t Be the Last to Adopt!

Investing in an e-commerce platform is more than just staying current—it's about future-proofing your business. By offering your restaurant clients an efficient, convenient, and integrated system, you’ll meet their expectations and stay competitive.

Restaurants expect the convenience and efficiency of digital platforms, and those who adapt early will benefit the most. By embracing e-commerce, you can help restaurants streamline their operations, save on labor costs, and manage orders and finances more easily. Don’t be the last to join the game. An e-commerce platform can give your business the competitive edge it needs to thrive.

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